Free listing

MCV - Manufacturing Commercial Vehicles Co.
Fakous - Sharkia

Address 1st Plot, Industrial Zone 2b, El Salheya El Gadida
Telephones 055-3200280 - 055-3201640 - 055-3201641 - 055-3201642 - 055-3201664 -
Address Plot 34, 2nd Industrial Zone, El Salhia El Gadedah
Telephones 055-3203102 - 055-3201942 -
Address Plot 1\22, Industrial Zone, Sector B, El Salhia El Gadedah
Telephones 055-3201639 - 055-3201991 - 055-3201992 - 055-3201994 - 055-3201997 -
Hotline 19628
Keywords Electricity generators trucks assembly
Category Generators Bus - Cars - Trucks Assembly - Preparation Cranes - lifts

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