Free listing

Senyorita Foods Industries - Sh. M . M
Tanta - Gharbia

Address NULL
Telephones 040-9111450 - 040-9111451 - 040-9111452 - 040-9111453 - 040-9111454 -
Address 31, Nadi Tanta El Riady St., Tanta
Telephones 040-9115577 - 040-9115588 -
Address Tanta Road, El Mahalla El Kobra
Telephones 040-3290006 - 040-3290008 - 01223935151 - 040-9111720 - 040-9111721 -
Fax 040-3290011 - 040-3290023
Keywords Biscuit Chocolate Dried Candy Gum Potato Chips Snacks
Category Snacks - Confectionary

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